As your baby's condition improves and intensive medical care is no longer needed, your baby will be transferred to our Level II NICU. One of our main focuses in the Level II nursery is preparing for your baby to go home.

Some of the things you will need to complete before going home are:

Car seat test: Please bring in your baby's car seat to verify fit and that your baby can tolerate sitting in it. If you need assistance selecting a car seat, please let us know.

Circumcision: Please let your nurse or doctor know if you would like your baby to be circumcised. You will be asked to sign a consent form before the surgery. This is typically one of the last items to be completed before discharge.

CPR class: Call (281) 438-4357 to schedule your free CPR class as soon as possible.

Critical congenital heart defect (CCHD) screening: This test will be done by your baby's nurse sometime after 24 hours of age. CCHD can involve abnormal or absent chambers, holes in the heart, abnormal connections in the heart, and abnormalities in the function or squeeze of the heart. CCHD is often treatable if detected early, which is why this screening is so important.

Hearing screening: This test is a safe and painless way to determine whether your baby has a significant hearing loss and will be completed sometime after 24 hours of age.

Home equipment and medication: Home equipment teaching will be provided by an equipment representative. Medications will be ordered by your doctor and pick-up will be discussed.

Pediatrician: Research pediatricians in your area, if you need assistance please ask to speak with our service manager.

Vaccines: Please ask your baby's nurse about signing all consent forms for vaccines.

The items on this checklist do not need to be completed in any particular order. Patient discharges typically occur after 3:00pm.