Breastfeeding can be both rewarding and challenging. Learning the basics can put you and your baby on the path to success.

As a Texas Ten Step designated hospital, we have policies and care practices in place for mothers and babies related to breastfeeding. We are dedicated to providing breastfeeding education and support to help you and your new baby get off to the best start.

Breastfeeding classes

Our Patient Education Department provides various courses to prepare you for breastfeeding one or multiple babies.

Classes fill quickly, so be sure to register early. If you need to cancel or make changes to your registration, call (281) 438-4357 as soon as possible. A 25 percent service charge for class cancellations applies. We provide free parking during classes, tours and support group meetings.

We are pleased to offer online education for those who cannot attend a conventional childbirth or breastfeeding class due to bed rest, scheduling conflicts, travel or time constraints.

Please take advantage of our free online course, Breastfeeding: A great start, which is a great way to learn the basics of breastfeeding before enrolling in our in-person class. No code is required to register.

Our online course covers the following topics:

  • How your body produces and releases milk
  • How to get your baby properly positioned at the breast for feeding
  • Signs your baby is getting enough milk
  • How to pump and store your breast milk

Breastfeeding Basics is an in-person class where you can get your breastfeeding questions answered and practice with a baby doll model.

A breastfeeding educator will provide guidance and helpful resources if needed. Breast pumps will be on display to help you determine which one might work best for you.

  • Find out how to get off to the best start
  • Practice positioning and latch-on techniques
  • Learn how to express, store, and prepare breast milk
  • See how partners and family can help

We strongly encourage you to bring your spouse, partner or support person. We recommend taking the free online breastfeeding class before attending.

Breastfeeding support group

We believe in connection and community, which is why we host various support groups at The Woman's Hospital of Texas in an open and secure environment.

We host support groups to help families handle the physical and emotional changes that come with newborn care and parenthood.

Our post-delivery lactation support group is for new mothers who are looking to receive help breastfeeding their newborn. We know that trained and peer (mom-to-mom) support helps families reach their breastfeeding goals.

We encourage breastfeeding moms and their babies to join and share their experiences. Group discussions may include latch-on techniques, lactation support, pumping, milk storage, and much more. We look forward to helping you achieve your breastfeeding goals.

*This support group is designed only for mothers who have already delivered their baby and are currently home. Female attendees only.

Breastfeeding support services

From specialized healthcare professionals to dedicated departments, we provide services to help support women with breastfeeding and newborn care.

In addition to our trained nursing staff and breastfeeding educators, International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) are available to address your breastfeeding concerns during your hospital stay. They are available to provide education on breastfeeding techniques and to help you through your first few sessions.

Did you know mothers with extra breast milk can donate it to be pasteurized and fed to infants who need it? You can learn more about this from the Human Milk Banking Association of North America. There are 32 human milk banks in North America, and we are fortunate to have two in Texas. The Woman’s Hospital of Texas serves as a breast milk donation site for the Mothers’ Milk Bank of Austin.