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She Is A Woman


And she is why we are here.

Each woman is phenomenally different in her own way. And yet, women are typically looked at in terms of relationships, roles or what is expected of them — girlfriend, wife, mother, sister, teacher, nurse — instead of for their individuality as a woman first and foremost. While women are known for putting others first, who puts them first to ensure a lifetime of good health?

Woman First approach to healthcare

No matter who she is or what her own healthcare needs are, The Woman’s Hospital of Texas is here to put her first. A Woman First approach to healthcare is what we are all about. Woman, it’s our name and our care philosophy — now and always.

Every woman deserves to be treated as an individual with the best understanding, compassion and support for who she is at every stage of life. We know that one-size healthcare does not fit all. Through the voices of real women in our community from all walks of life and in different phases of their lives, we want to encourage open, honest conversations around women's health.

Every woman has a unique story. We're here to listen

Learn who she is, in her own words.

Hear her story


Who are you?


who is she?

she is a dreamer, a doer, a caregiver.
a risk-taker, a lifesaver.
she’s a lover, a fighter,
a lawyer, a judge.
a teacher, a homemaker,
a doctor, a tollbooth collector.
she’s tall. she’s small.
blonde, gray, red, brunette and bald.
she’s healthy, she’s sick, she’s tired.
she’s wide awake.
she’s a country girl. a city chick.
she’s a conservative. a liberal.
she’s a houstonian, a texan, an american.
she’s from all over the world.
she’s your mom, your grandmother.
your aunt, your sister, your wife.
your best friend, your girlfriend, your ex.
your coworker, your neighbor.
she has three grown kids.
she has twin toddlers.
she has just had her first.
she has no kids at all.

who is she? she is a woman.
and she is why we are here.